Sunday, October 11, 2009

Crazy Love?

I am a reader. I love, love books. But I'm more of a "fiction book" fan because I love a good STORY. But I'm about to read Crazy Love by Francis Chan. A little nervous. Slightly intimidated. Ready to be challenged. Anything that is subtitled "Overwhelmed By a Relentless God" is bound to instill a little... shall we say... holy hesitation? I'm already a bit overwhelmed after reading these lines in the Preface: "This book is... for those who don't want to plateau, those who would rather die before their convictions do." and "Come with me on this journey. I don't promise it will be painless." YIKES. We'll see how this goes.

Here's to reading nonfiction. Truth. Challenges.


Mattie Babb said...

school has me reading my copy very slowly! i was planning on giving you the one angie gave me. so sorry! let's read it together!

Lindsay said...

ive heard great things about this book! can't wait to hear how it goes!

Amber said...

Please let me know what you think. - I would love to read it too! Also, I will give you my copy of Time Travelers Wife next time i see you!