Friday, May 28, 2010

FIVE years!!

Today officially ended my FIFTH year of teaching. It is SO hard to believe it has been this long already. Thinking back, my life has changed SO MUCH in those five years.

Year 1- English I and English IV Honors teacher at Zachary High. I got married that April, switching from Ms. Wilson to Mrs. Allen mid-way through the second semester. I was new, young, wide-eyed, and completely clueless. Katrina happened. I experienced MAJOR ups and downs with some great kids.

Year 2- English I and English IV-AP teacher at Zachary High. Also Senior Class Sponsor. I got pregnant that fall, and spent the year extremely crazy and hormonal. Ha. This was also the first year of Zachary's "Freshman Academy," and the teaming aspect of the Academy taught me SO much about "relational teaching." I became MUCH more effective.

Year 3- English I and English IV-AP teacher at ZHS. No longer Senior Class Sponsor, but I did start the "Scrapbook Club." I had a newborn. I had no sleep. I had a GREAT year. I finally felt like I was "in the groove" of teaching.

Summer between Year 3 and Year 4, I got a call *TOTALLY* out of the blue from Central High. I called my friend Meg and basically said, Ok, if this is supposed to be my job, I'm gonna pray they offer it to me in the interview, and that will be my "sign" from the Lord. I went in for the interview. Principal said "I don't really want to interview you, I want to offer you a job." Ok, Lord. That was easy. The goodbyes and transitions... not so easy.

Year 4- English III Teacher and Co-Yearbook Sponsor at Central High School. I LOVE teaching at my alma mater. It was definitely a year of transition, but I grew a lot and taught some kids that I know will be special to me for the rest of my life.

Year 5- English III Teacher and Co-Yearbook Sponsor at CHS. MY BEST YEAR YET! As those of you who have been reading for a while know, this was definitely not an easy year at Central. It was a year full of great tragedy, and great triumph. Unspeakable sorrow, and elating joy. It was a year of learning and growing and really falling in to what it means to teach as a very significant ministry.

I am SO thankful that the Lord called me to teach. I am SO thankful for the lives I've been able to *hopefully* change in some way, the kids I've been able to love with His love. Five years down.... 25 to go.... unless He calls me elsewhere.

Now, my summer of being a Stay-at-Home-Mom begins!

Let the SAHM Bible Study, crafting, "swimming" in Parker's pool, sewing, lesson-planning, "field-trip"-ing, FUN begin!!

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