Sunday, January 1, 2012


I'm a terrible blogger! I feel like 2011 was a total whirlwind and this poor blog was completely neglected. 2011 brought many great things for our little family, including our sweet Jude Morrison and a wonderful new job for the hubs. As great as it was, I am so looking forward to what 2012 has in store for us.

A few resolutions:
1. I have chosen a "motto" for this year. Look for a blog makeover soon that will incorporate these things: CHOOSE JOY, HAVE TIME, MAKE MEMORIES. (post to come soon on how I came up with this and what it means!)
2. Blog more. In addition to hopefully keeping up with this blog more, I am also using an app to do the 365 photo challenge!
3. Read to the kids (at least to Parker) every day! Before 2012 ends, my little girl will be in kindergarten!! I want to spend more time reading to her/working on her academic skills.
4. Date my husband. (more on this later)
5. Have a more consistent quiet time.

I am sure there are other things I will purpose myself to doing this year, but these are my year-long resolutions. (I also have a goal to lose a specific amount of weight by our anniversary in April!)

Here's to 2012 and all God has in store!!

1 comment:

Blessed Chick said...

Yay!! So glad you are back! I've missed reading about your precious family! Can't wait to hear more on all these resolutions! Love ya girl!